Wednesday, July 30, 2008

For My Sister!!!

So I found this awhile ago and was going to do something very special with it but haven't been able to figure out what! So I figured what better than to just post it to the blog. I was ecstatic when I found it!!!

She's Growing!!

So we go to see Addyson the other day and she grows by leaps and bounds every time. She thinks she's a big kid now and when Brandon held her she tried to get away! I am sure that has nothing to do with the fact that it was Brandon (especially since he is her favorite!). We had a lot of fun with her.

Friday, July 11, 2008

rainy day

i am in the rain. it was fun. i playd footbol.

frum brandon

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!

Well, today is our anniversary and we have been married 11 years... The kids once heard Brian say he was going to trade me in at "10" so today they told him he was a liar because I was still around!! It was like any other day which is Brian's specialty!

For the 4th we had friends over and went and watched the fireworks and had a lot of fun. The kids decided to sell their glowsticks to other fireworks watchers... It was a sight!

Hunter tied his game on Sun 3-3. He did very well and they asked him to play in the game after as well. He scored all 3 of the goals in that game and looked awesome. I was so proud of him! We also found out that he has Sever's disease. It is a disease of the growth plate in his heel. He will be getting new inserts for his shoes and will do exercises and ice after his games. He was in a lot of pain this weekend after two games. It explains the pain and now hopefully we can get it taken care of. It is apparently very common and since he is growing like a week it didn't surprise us.

Other than that not much is new! TTFN


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Haircut photos

This is the before picture... and I forgot to mention that Joshua was the wonderful photographer.
Madyson was very serious about her future as a hairdresser...

Alex had to have a go at it too though.

This was the final photo Joshua took so that he could help with the cutting and styling too... It ended up a little shorter in some places and he still can't get the faux-hawk to stay put...

Brian and I decided that this was one of those things that they would look back on when they are teenagers and laugh that at a sleepover they got to cut Brandon's hair...

Sleepover Extravaganza

The kids had a blast last night!! Their friends had a sleepover and all got to lay on my bed and eat popcorn and beef jerky and watch "Wipeout". They thought it was awesome! After the show, they asked BRIAN if they could cut Brandon's hair (probably knowing I would say NO!) and he said YES (of course, he was engrossed in his new game and has no recollection of this)! So here are the kids watching the show and cutting Brandon's hair. I wish I would have videotaped them watching instead of photos because we laughed for almost a straight hour...
