Brian and I started out as husband and wife. We went to a little chapel in OKC after getting our blood tests done for STDs (what a way to start a life...) and stopping at a pawn shop to buy wedding rings. It was a whim at the time with a touch of certainty that we had chosen the right person. We were young and thought that "til death do us part" would be easy enough. Well, we learned quickly that it's easier said than done. I still feel in my heart "til death do us part" and hope to still feel this way for the next however many years we have together...
June 21. He loves to read which is something I have tried to learn as an adult.
June 22. He drives a hard bargain.
June 23. He realizes that my to-do list and I need time alone sometimes.
June 24. He volunteered to clean out the fridge since we would be gone for a week.
June 25. He is as excited as the boys to go back to Buffalo.
June 26. He took us to enjoy cool weather!
June 27. He is tough.
June 28. He still has an appreciation for small-town living.
June 29. He knows how to have a good time.
June 30. He does stuff he really doesn't want to because the kids and I do.
July 1. He knows how to take something to the extreme.
July 2. He was calm while I freaked out on the plane.
July 3. He cares and worries about his sister.
July 4. He inspires the kids to be entreprenurial.
July 5. He works hard when he has to.
July 6. He is unlike anyone else I know.
July 7. He has a new-found drive that I admire.
July 8. 13 years ago today he trusted his instincts that I was "The One".