Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gotta luv the Jeep...

So after last week I thought I would get some reprieve from my bad week... Apparently I was wrong. Tonight when I was driving home a lady creamed my car. I was alone and I am fine, just a little sore (well, sore enough I may swing by a dr. tomorrow tho). The adjuster is coming out tomorrow to let me know how bad it is... But on the bright side... Her car looks much worse than mine. I think I will go take a picture of it tomorrow because she shouldn't have messed with me... Anyway, here's the jeep...

It is dark so it is worse than it looks. There are even places on the driver side that will have to be fixed from the impact to the passenger side. We have pulled some of the parts back into place to the best of our ability as well. She was coming out of the alley a few blocks from my house and never stopped or even looked. There is an island there and nowhere for me to go and I looked over and knew she was gonna hit me. She was in a Dodge Dakota pickup truck that is in much worse shape...
I told Brian how much I appreciated the fact that I don't drive a little car because at the speed she was going she would have run right over me...

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Glad your ok... Amy called and told me about your sad news... if you want some places to take it let me know and I will ask David.