Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring was here briefly...

So the cat seemed to enjoy a glimpse of spring. She brought us two baby bunnies. One we found on the back porch with no head. The next day she brought the bunny into the house and then killed it in the dining room. It is nice that she can open the back door to get in and out when she needs to go to the bathroom but this was definitely a downfall...

We also killed our first snake the other day. The weather was so beautiful I decided to clean up the back yard a little. I went to move the kids bike ramps and underneath was a snake. I wasn't expecting it and it totally caught me by surprise so I called for Hunter to come out with his hockey stick. He did but wouldn't kill it for me. Brian came to my rescue and beat it to death. Usually I can handle the killing part but it was so unexpected I was frazzled. We found another dead snake that the cat must have gotten so I made a little snake sacrifice pile to try and discourage the others from showing their slithering selves.

Now it is freezing cold and rainy... I miss having the windows open and feeling the breeze!

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