So today I did the co-op shop for Amy and Carol since they both had other things they had to do. I asked Keri to go with me and we had a great time. Cate was so cute with her face covered with all the samples they give away down there. She seemed to have a blast. After being down there and spending time with Keri we have decided to plant a garden this season. We are going to use the little space that is left in the backyard and see what we can grow. It sounds like a good school experiment to me if nothing else.
I have the bathroom painted and the baseboards done and just need to install the new floor. I am hoping to get that done tomorrow. It is just a bathroom so it shouldn't take me too long. I started pulling weeds in my front flower beds today to plant the flowers. That may have to wait til next week since there are still a lot of weeds to go. The entire neighborhood and then some were over today and hunted through the neighborhood for snakes and geckos and whatever they could get their slimy little kid hands on. They found 6 snakes (in a matter of minutes I might add) and 1 gecko that they could actually catch. The carried them and played with them and grossed me out all day. Amy's kids took theirs with them when they left and the others left them on the back porch. After dinner they were gone so now I am totally freaked out to walk outside. I'm thinking I will give them a few days to find a new hiding spot before I go back to pulling weeds.
We have games in the morning so I am off to tuck in the kiddos...
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