Sunday, October 4, 2009

You CAN sit your studs...

During the middle of the week I had chosen my lineup for this weekends games. I caught a lot of heat for sitting my #1 draft pick. The consensus was "You can't sit your studs!" So I played my "studs" who ended up being far from "studly" as I had anticipated and I LOST! Yes, that makes me 1-3. It totally stinks! So I am going with my gut from here forward and not listening to anyone else's sentiments regarding who I play!!

While watching football all day I have continued grading the kid's work. Here is another funny thing I found:

I would like to be in a nuclear family because there would be no room in my house if it was extended. I would have to be inside more to spend time with them. They would hog all the televisions in my house and my parents would not let me play video games as much. They would play crazy stuff like crossword puzzles for hours. And the thing they would do the most is talk all day long and keep talking and talking and just more talking.

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