Friday, January 29, 2010

Sunggled at Home Where It's Warm

Sooooo... the weather cancelled our tournament for the weekend. The boys are all sad because they wanted to freeze their butts off outside. I am sad about missing soccer but happy inside where it is mostly warm. Of course, that gives us a free weekend so I am guessing that means more CLEANING! It is going good and if B could get off the Xbox it would go better :) I got a few bags of trash out of the boys rooms over the last few days and they don't seem to notice a bit... (shocking!) Other than that not much is new around here... Glad we didn't get pounded with snow.

For my wonderful husband, another week of reasons why I love him...

Jan 23. He thinks I'm pretty even when I don't try to and makes sure to tell me.
Jan 24. He's terrible at keeping a secret and proud of it!
Jan 25. He appreciates hard work.
Jan 26. He can relate to the kids.
Jan 27. He doesn't abuse relationships for his own benefit.
Jan 28. He appreciates my organizational skills (and recognizes he has none).
Jan 29. He recognizes his weaknesses and isn't embarassed by them.

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