Monday, January 4, 2010

Trying to Find Normal Again

I am trying to pick up and get going again and am having a tough time knowing where to start. My life feels a little like slow-mo right now. The bathroom is still a wreck. Some Christmas presents are still not wrapped (since we have not done Christmas with my family yet). My office looks like a hurricane hit it. And I just don't have any umph right now to get up and go.

However, there was a bright spot to my day. Just before Christmas I had a call from the editor of Advocate Magazine that she wanted to write an article about my purses. I said "SURE!" and sent her one so she could touch it and feel it and well, you know... love it! And she did! So I thought I would post her article here so I can brag a little, I mean, you can enjoy it too...

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