Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Books

So my friend Kim asked me to make an altered book for her mother-in-law because they had such a cute story which became a fairytale very easily. It was a lot of fun and even better than that, I got to be there when she gave it to her and she just cried. It was so sweet and such a great reward for the work I put into it. Here is her book.

They both thought it was just a blind date.
They never thought they'd find their mate.
But they got lucky, as not many do.
And 50 years later it’s still just them two.

So this is their story, but it's not the end.
They're still together and still great friends.
But along the way the family has grown,
And become something great that none could have known.

It didn’t take long for Charlie to see,
That he needed to get down on one knee.
He asked Dorothy to be his bride.
She said yes and oh how she cried.

They married in the year 1957.
They imagined their life, a small slice of heaven.
But just the two of them it would not be
By the end of the year, they were already three.

Jerry came along and brought them much joy,
A happy addition, their sweet baby boy.
The quiet was gone from their happy life.
They were no longer just husband and wife.

For now a family, he made them become,
And brothers and sisters, he sure needed some.
So in 1959 along Cheryl came,
And to their hearts she laid her claim.

They couldn’t stop, they were on a roll.
These two they loved, it made them feel whole.
So in 1961 they made their clan five,
Another little girl, they felt so alive.

Susan was a treasure, a true gift from God.
But the family was not complete, it felt a bit odd.
With two girls so far and only one boy,
Another boy and they could stand no more joy.

So God heard their cries and answered their prayer.
In 1964 David was born with just a blank stare.
For he entered this family a cute baby boy,
But the rest of these kids thought he was just a toy.

But with the addition of the fourth cute baby,
They thought they were done but someday maybe,
The family would grow once the kids moved away,
With lots of grandkids and that’d be okay.

The kids decided to leave one-by-one.
It was sad at first but they knew this day’d come.
They’d leave and they’d marry and have kids of their own.
The nest was now empty, the kids had all flown.

But everything changed in 1977,
When Christopher fell straight from heaven.
Right on his heels came Amanda, so sweet.
These two little ones to this family a treat.

After Jarrett was born in 1986,
The years flew by quickly as more entered the mix.
Came Matthew and Daniel and Kyle so fast,
Then Maegan and Trey but they were not last.

Cuz Alexandra and Lindsey announced their arrival,
And family meals became a test of survival.
They got lucky again when marriage brought more,
Kyle and Craig Mayfield for them to adore.

The grandkids came in so fast one-by-one.
And each one brought just a little more fun.
The grandkids had kids which made these two greater,
They’ll probably lose count, sooner or later.

As this family tree continues to grow,
The branches extend with love, to and fro.
It started with a cone of yummy ice-cream.
And became more than they could have dreamed.

Still together after all this time,
Their life has become truly sublime.
The family is bigger but better, most say.
The love is much stronger and grows day-by-day.

A rock you can lean on when life gets you down,
This incredible family is always around.
There’s ups and there’s downs, but they’ll never break.
All together forever, a family they make.

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