Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What happened to the cooler weather??

It was sad to sit outside this afternoon after have a nice day or two. It sure would be nice to be able to be outside in the summer and not wanna die! We had a so-so weekend with the kids sports. Hunter's team won 21-18 and Brandon's team lost a lot to 1 (which he scored). We are hoping for better luck next weekend. Hunter is off for the week because of the holiday so we only have one game on Sun.

For the 4th we usually go up to the corner to watch the fireworks. Last year we did that with friends and I bought the kids glowsticks. Well, they decided that they would sell them to the other people watching the fireworks (gotta love their entreprenurial spirit!). So this year they have asked for more so they can make more money so we will be heading to the Dollar Store to try and pick up bunches of them.

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