Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Gettin in Birthday Mode...

We have all of our Christmas stuff down and are headed into birthday mode... Hunter is excited for his birthday, however, I don't think there is anything he wants or needs. I keep telling him that is the curse of having a birthday so close to Christmas!

When we were little Keri and I often shared a party and so I joked with Hunter the other day that he and I could share a party... He thought that would be great! Obviously he hasn't had to do it for a lifetime...

We have no plans for tomorrow right now... which might be nice.

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Gift of Giving!

This year the boys went to Build-a-Bear and made each of their cousins an animal. They recorded a message for the paw and were really excited to give it to the babies! Cate got a black bear and Addyson got a dog. They were so cute because they wanted that to be the first thing that was opened. I am not sure the babies were as excited but it was nice to see the boys get into "giving".

Thank you Memaw!!

The boys love the Crammer and once we got it all figured out they are having a good time!!

Of course, Addyson wishes she had one too!!

Glad its over...

Look who's got a buddy... Me and Cate...

Merry Christmas!

So I know its not the right attitude but I am glad Christmas is behind us. Hiding the presents makes me crazy... Santa Claus has a tough job! The boys got some great stuff that they love and we went and shopped on Friday for anything else they wanted! I am gonna post pictures of their presents later. I used my Christmas money to get a new refrigerator!! It is awesome and I love it. For Christmas/Birthday Brian is getting me a new washer and dryer so I am really excited about that too!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our Trip Downtown...

We had the kids collect blankets from around the house and around the neighborhood and we took them downtown on Sunday. We had all the Dads in a car and all the moms and kids in a car. As we drove around downtown the kids were on the lookout for people sleeping on the streets. When we found someone we pulled up and asked if he would like a blanket which he gratefully accepted. Before we knew it, there were people running in droves to the car to get a blanket. It was unbelievable. The kids were wide-eyed and quiet (which is rare!) as the people kept running up to get one. They held them to their faces and smelled them and thanked us. The kids leaned out the window as they walked away and wished them a Merry Christmas. I think the kids really learned a lot from seeing that not everyone is as fortunate as they are. We plan on going again after the new year and bringing some hot dogs or food and jackets. Everyone that came up asked if we had food and unfortunately we didn't think of that. It was an enlightening experience and one I don't think the kids will soon forget.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

12 Days Update!

Ok so far the kids have opened 5 gifts from each other... They have gotten Tommy 20 guns (by Nerf that shoots annoying yellow foam darts), a slinky, silly string, remote control cars, a new headset for the xbox 360, a new game and deodarant. It has been fun watching them get excited about it and they have actually played with the toys they have gotten. We only have a few people left to buy for and have gotten a lot of the wrapping done with (which is unusual because usually I wait til the 23rd)! I think we will try and wrap it up today with shopping and enjoy the next few days peacefully.

The post office says today is the last shipping day to make it by Christmas so the orders should slow down. It will be a nice break. The Christmas cards went out today. Another thing checked off the list...

For Hollie (our mail carrier) we have done the 12 days of Christmas for years. This year we are doing baked goods so I am off to bake another batch of cookies... The kids are happy that is what we decided because they love taste-testing all the goods...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our Christmas Picture

So it is really our Thanksgiving picture but it is the most recent of the four of us. I would have printed it and put it in our cards except for HUNTER! His face is silly! Even Brian is smiling... So here it is and we will do better next year... can't do much worse!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Not Enough Time...

Time is flying and Christmas is 11 days away!! The boys are enjoying doing their 12 days of Christmas and are having a really good time buying for each other. It is nice to see them getting along (ever so briefly) as they have been at each other's throats recently. I have a few people left to buy for and of course, LOTS OF WRAPPING! I am hoping to finish up in the next few days but work keeps holding me back!! Of course, a good problem to have!

We did not get around to doing our Christmas picture this year but am thinking we may do an impromptu picture so I can get the Christmas cards out the door! Usually I have them out the door the day after Thanksgiving but not this year... Hoping to get them out before the day after Christmas!

Well lots of orders so more soon...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Yeah... Pictures

I will post more soon but these are from the other day and then there is our very sad looking Christmas tree!!

Tough Weekend

We have a hard time at the tournament. The other associations have different rules from GLASA which makes it really hard to be competitive. They are allowed to bring guest players and some of the teams we played were All-Star teams. We lost all three games on Saturday which Hunter took very hard!! They lost their indoor game on Sunday too. I drove back for Brandon's indoor game on Saturday and they won 19-2. It was a great game and they have a great little team. He played as a guest for another team on Sun that had a double header and he did great. The team is a year older but he was able to hold his own!

We did finally get all of our Christmas decorations up (or at least enough to get in the Christmas spirit). Addyson came over on Sunday night and loved all the snowmen and things that sing. She is walking now which was really exciting and when the music played she does a little dance... SOOOO CUTE! The boys just love her and I am so glad that Michele lets us spend time with her.

Yesterday was catch-up so today we are gonna try and get the house cleaned up and go to the gym and the book store... Fun... Fun...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Down-n-Out Again...

So the other day I had Hunter in the dr for an ear infection. Well turns out it started with a cold that everyone but Brandon has now. Hunter is taking antibiotics and seems to be much better but now Brian and I both have the stuffy nose, sniffles, etc. Of course, he thinks he is dying...

Tomorrow is Hunter's tournament of champions. He is so very excited and I am excited that he seems better. I am sure we are going to freeze out there too. Our first game is at 8:00 in Garland so we have to leave at 6:45. That makes me a lot less excited but not him! We will play at 8,11 and 2 and then depending on how we do we could play on Sunday as well. I will take lots of pictures.

Today is Christmas decorating day! Brian is helping his sister move today so we are going to climb into the attic and get it all done and put away before he gets home (hopefully). The kids have been bugging me since Thanksgiving to get the tree out and we haven't yet. It is already December too and that is very unlike me! So we are off to the attic... Hope to have a picture of the tree on here later...

Monday, December 1, 2008

My Birthday Month!!

So I have been telling the kids all day that it is finally my birthday month! Although my birthday is the last day of the month it is nice to begin celebrating on the first. My sister and I have always shared the month (well, as long as I can remember) and to be real honest it is nice that in my house I don't have to share anymore. Brian even woke up this morning and wished me a happy birthday month!! I guess if you share your birthday with a major holiday it is only fair to be able to celebrate the whole month. So Happy Birthday Month to me... and Keri! :)

The Downfall of Motherhood...

So my sister learned the downfall of motherhood these last few days. My sweet niece is sick! She is running a high fever (104) and I am so sad for them. There is NOTHING worse then when you baby (even if they are 7 and 9) is sick or hurt. I know that this is really the worst part of being a parent because it even affects Brian. We are praying that she feels better soon and that it spares her parents...

Let the Shopping Begin...

So we started on Wednesday before Thanksgiving with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law and found a few things. They did great and almost finished! On Thursday we went out to eat which is the best idea EVER! No clean up and no cooking... On Thursday afternoon we went to Big Lots and Garden Ridge and found a few things and then I set out for the Allen outlet mall which opened at midnight. I found some good deals there but you had to hunt. By the time we left it was a ZOO... We headed back towards home and hit the usuals... Walmart, Target, Kohls, JCP. I got quite a bit and even finished up some people. On Saturday Brian was out and found something for my mom so now she is done too! Slowly but surely we are checking people off the list. The real kicker this year is the boys. There is nothing they need and very little they want. Of course the stuff they do want is super expensive too. Santa is gonna have a really hard time this year!!