Friday, November 20, 2009

Under the Weather

We had a great visit with Grampa. The kids schedule seemed to engulf the time that he was here and it flew by. I guess he got a taste of our "real life". I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. It seems we have been going non-stop since Halloween (or maybe before). So it didn't help that Wednesday I started to feel yucky.

The boys had their soccer party and by the time we got home around 7:00 I crawled into bed. I ran a fever Wednesday night and last night and the strange thing is I feel ok duing the day but as the sun goes down so do I. I am very thankful for the DVR as I have been able to catch up on shows and watched a movie last night. I was feeling better yesterday than the day before so I worked on some purses too.

I have a new website that I am building that should be up soon. I will post on here so you can take a look. I think I am finally getting back into the swing of things and excited about some new ideas I have. More to come soon...

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